Archives: Salamanca Fire, Philadelphia Furniture & Luminite both are sadly lost
My son Seth and I went down to Salamanca today to see the aftermath of the Fire in Salamanca, NY. This fire absolutely destroyed the almost 100 year old 6 acre complex that was most recently the Philidelphia Furniture factory. Adding insult to injury Luminite a company specializing in Laser engraving and employer to what I hear was more thn 30 people, was also destroyed in the tradgedy when the fire jumped the road, our hearts go out to all the families whos lives will be impacted by this sensless act of arson by a few obviously irrisponsible and out of control teenagers.
Here are some photos that I took of the results of the disaster. The Salamanca Fire department will have to be on sceene for several more days as the building will likely smolder and have hot spots for many days to come. Yesterday while the fire was out of control, every fire company in Cattaragus county had been called to this blaze, the factory was huge and 4 stories high.
For photos of the fire while it was out of control please follow this link
Archives: Automotive tool retailer announces new tool blog a Premier internet retailer specializing in Automotive tools and equipment just launched a auto tool news blog which you can find at Toolsource hopes to bring their customers a reliable destination for Automotive tool and equipment news. Please visit this site often, there is much more to come!
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